Trillium Payment Dates 2024: Application Process & Payment Date

The Canadian province of Ontario administers a financial aid program known as the Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB). It is intended to assist low- to moderate-income people of Ontario with some living expenses.

The Ontario government provides assistance to low- and moderate-income families through the Ontario Trillium Benefit 2024 Payment. The tenth day of every month is when the Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) payments for 2024 are expected to be distributed.

Trillium Payment Dates 2024 Eligibility

  • To be eligible for the OTB, you had to be a resident of Ontario as of December 31st of the previous year.
  • This suggests that if you intend to apply for the benefit in 2024, you will need to have been a resident of Ontario on December 31, 2023.
  • You must be married or have a CLP in order to qualify. You must currently reside with your child or have previously done so if you are a parent.
  • For the year 2023, you had to have paid your property taxes, rented your principal residence, lived on a reserve and covered your home’s energy costs, or paid a portion of your rent while residing in a public long-term care facility.
  • In order to qualify for the OTB Payment 2024, you need to complete an income tax return. This is true because information from your tax return is used to calculate the benefit you receive.

Trillium Payment Dates 2024

Trillium Payment Dates 2024

The tenth day of every month is when the Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) payments for 2024 are expected to be distributed. The last working day prior to the 10th shall be the payment date, nevertheless, if it falls on a weekend or a legal holiday.

Trillium Payment Dates 2024 Application Process

  • Complete the ON-BEN Application Form in order to apply for the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit (OEPTC) or the Northern Ontario Energy Credit (NOEC).
  • To be eligible for the OTB, you have to file a tax return every year if you don’t have any income to report.
  • When filing, please include the completed ON-BEN Application Form with your tax return.
  • By including the ON-BEN Application Form with your tax return, you can submit an automatic application for the Ontario Sales Tax Credit.

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